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Adam Wallace – Unlocking Pricing Power


Episode Overview:

Are you ready to maximize your value and multiply your earnings? My guest will show you how to raise your prices and stop leaving money on the table. It’s not about charging more; it’s about discovering the only type of value your customers will pay more for. 

Not all value is equal, and today we are going to discover what your customers are willing to pay more for. Join me now for my conversation with the New York Times Best Selling Author of (RE)VALUE: Raise Your Prices and Build Your Legacy, Adam Wallace.

Guest Bio: 

Adam has spent years unlocking pricing power for products and services. After more than a decade as a corporate fixer, joining Fortune 100 leadership teams to capture additional value on multibillion dollar ventures, he now serves as an interim executive and board member for private companies.

Adam grew up in a two-story log cabin outside of Nashville, built by his 7th generation grandfather prior to Tennessee becoming a State.

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Insight Gold Timestamps:

05:05 I’m not done, I want bigger problems

05:47 The biggest source of value lost was….

07:28 I was my first customer

08:55 The company itself as a product 

10:55 We might be at the end of one game….

11:47 Can you elaborate on what pricing power truly means?

14:19 Start with where do I create the most value, and for whom?

15:35 They’re just transaction, transaction, transaction

16:26 It’s not that we have to sacrifice this for the other one

18:23 How does their company create that value?

20:10 What’s a pricing riptide?

21:35 You don’t create equal value to all your customers

22:51 We actually only perceive the world based on what we value

24:09 The concept of the monetization curve and its impact on pricing strategies

25:11 When you’re selling solutions to problems a person doesn’t even know they have

26:37 Do you believe that people view the most expensive item as the best item?

27:54 So let’s say you’re going out to dinner and you want to buy wine

31:18 It’s kind of like a Dutch auction

33:08 They collapse what customers say as an indication for what they’ll do

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About the Host, Michael

Michael Vickers inspires enduring success, redefining the possible for today’s sales professionals, leaders, and managers. Whatever the sales or business opportunity, Michael will greatly enhance your odds of success. Every person who has an idea to promote, an employee to motivate, or a deal to negotiate, will attain a new level of success after an event with Michael.

Michael is also the best-selling author of Becoming Preferred: How to Outsell Your Competition, and Dance of the Rainmaker: Creating Authentic Differentiation in Today's Competitive Marketplace, where he shares his secrets to achieving the very highest level of sales mastery.

Whatever the result you’re striving for, if it involves influencing others or achieving success through others, Michael will build your confidence and accelerate your performance.

Michael is the Executive Director of Summit Learning Systems, a company that offers customized in-house training programs to many of today’s leading companies. He teaches thousands of business professionals throughout North America the skills required to achieve optimum performance.

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