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Blair Nichols – Amplify Your Voice and Brand


Episode Overview:

What fuels your passion? What makes you unique in today’s competitive marketplace and how do you get people to not just pay attention, but to PAY for your time and talent?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch or grow a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make the difference. My guest today helps authors, celebrities and entrepreneurs earn millions of dollars by sharing their story effectively and leveraging their talents. Join me now for my conversation with talent amplification expert, and president of BBN Creative Management, Blair Nichols.

Guest Bio: 

Blair Bryant Nichols, Owner of BBN Creative Management for Diverse and Mission-Driven Talent, is a seasoned expert in building strategic speaking platforms for speakers and business leaders; with a background representing top authors and managing diverse projects for founders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities. Blair specializes in helping his clients understand the strategic landscape of public and corporate speaking, emphasizing the need for a diverse portfolio of offerings to compete effectively. 

Blair holds an M.B.A. from UCLA-Anderson with a specialization in Entertainment Management and a B.A. in Literature from American University, complemented by his post-grad training at the Columbia Publishing Course. 

Outside of work, Blair enjoys traveling, literature, board games, and spending time with his husband Gray and their Shepherd- mix rescue dog Aspen in his homes in West Hollywood and Lake Arrowhead. 

Resource Links:

Insight Gold Timestamps:

02:39 I ended up in Harper Collins

04:44 It was my first opportunity to see really speaking in a different light

06:59 It’s all about growing your platform

08:21 You’re identifying what their strengths are

10:43 There’s a lot of strategies that can make you stand out

13:23 It used to be all about energy and now it’s about authenticity

15:44 Is there a formula to the storytelling that you recommend?

17:50 Solutions to problems that sometimes people don’t know they have yet 

21:57 The most important thing I think, is to be yourself

23:46 The vulnerability and the connection aspect 

25:59 Displaying that vulnerability makes you human?

27:57 You see new billboards every year 

31:51 I always just tell speakers, if you want to speak more, start speaking

34:23 It works for general business as well

38:45 Can I send an email out to your entire database?

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Next Episode: Achieving More than Success with Rocky Garza!

About the Host, Michael

Michael Vickers inspires enduring success, redefining the possible for today’s sales professionals, leaders, and managers. Whatever the sales or business opportunity, Michael will greatly enhance your odds of success. Every person who has an idea to promote, an employee to motivate, or a deal to negotiate, will attain a new level of success after an event with Michael.

Michael is also the best-selling author of Becoming Preferred: How to Outsell Your Competition, and Dance of the Rainmaker: Creating Authentic Differentiation in Today's Competitive Marketplace, where he shares his secrets to achieving the very highest level of sales mastery.

Whatever the result you’re striving for, if it involves influencing others or achieving success through others, Michael will build your confidence and accelerate your performance.

Michael is the Executive Director of Summit Learning Systems, a company that offers customized in-house training programs to many of today’s leading companies. He teaches thousands of business professionals throughout North America the skills required to achieve optimum performance.

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