Diane Windingland – Elevate Your Virtual Presentations

Episode Overview:
Whether you’re presenting training programs, team meetings, or a sales pitch, you can present like a pro, deal with technological glitches, appear calm under pressure, and deliver value packed virtual presentations.
If you want to learn how to make your online meetings as engaging as in-person you’re going to learn some helpful strategies and tactics in my conversation with Diane Windingland.
Guest Bio:
Diane Windingland, owner of Virtual Speech Coach and the author of several books on communication skills, was originally trained as an engineer. Since 2011 she has been speaking for organizations that want to help their people have better, more profitable conversations and presentations. She also coaches subject matter experts on how to communicate with clarity and confidence, shaping what they know into communications that engage and get results.
Diane lives with her husband in Shoreview, MN and dedicates much of her spare time as a volunteer for Toastmasters International, an organization that empowers people to be better leaders and communicators.
Resource Links:
- Website: https://www.virtualspeechcoach.com/
- Product Link: https://www.amazon.com/Diane-Windingland/e/B004AXXPXW/
Insight Gold Timestamps:
04:35 Fundamental differences between virtual and live
05:40 Body language
07:24 Breakout rooms
08:31 Everybody has a front row seat
14:04 The use of props
18:36 A defining statement
19:10 Why would your audience care?
21:30 Concept called PREP: Point-Reason-Example-Point
22:45 Audience benefit statement
27:54 Then, Now, How (Craig Valentine)
31:00 A hundred tips and tricks to Appear Confident in Presentations
31:53 The root of most fear of public speaking is the fear of being judged
33:34 Expansive body posture
36:15 Sit up tall
36:57 Know your stuff
Connect Socially:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dianewindingland/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VirtualSpeechCoach
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DWindingland
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/virtualspeechcoach/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VirtualSpeechCoach
Email: diane@virtualspeechcoach.com
Rainmaker Digital Solutions: https://www.rainmakerdigitalsolutions.com/
Resources: https://becomingpreferred-podcast.com/resources/
Next Episode: Above Quota Performance with Steve Weinberg!