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John Rarrick – The Human Touch in Business, Cyber Communication and Marketing


Episode Overview:

No doubt about it, marketing in today’s dynamic marketplace has changed and is changing. Understanding the evolving marketing landscape is essential if we are to maintain the human touch and authenticity in our interactions with customers and fellow workers.

With the rise of remote work and hybrid work models, how can businesses ensure that their communication strategies foster genuine connections and collaboration among customers, and teams, despite the physical distance?

My guest today, is the Head of Marketing at Movius. With a wealth of experience and a keen understanding of the evolving marketing landscape, John is at the forefront of navigating the intersection of cyber communication and marketing. Join me now for this thought-provoking conversation with marketing and communication expert, John Rarrick.

Guest Bio: 

John Rarrick is Head of Global Marketing at Movius where he is responsible for all brand, customer acquisition, and partner marketing strategy. He has held senior marketing leadership roles at T-Mobile, Sprint, and Comcast, and is the former CEO and co-founder at BullsEye Public Relations.

John’s area of expertise in the B2B technology space includes brand development, communications and crisis management, digital marketing and social media, and digital sustainability programs.

Resource Links:

Insight Gold Timestamps:

02:53 I went to work for the World Wrestling Federation

05:43 At Mobius, we call ourselves a late stage startup

07:04 Think about the things that were obvious changes

09:08 We used to fax out our content

12:43 The earned media side Is probably the biggest one I’ve seen

14:42 We’ll do focus groups

16:16 If your messaging is spot on and you’re targeting’s spot on

18:40 We were looking at the next evolution of communication technology

26:04 How do we maintain that human touch?

27:50 How can businesses authentically convey their brand message

29:37 Wouldn’t be a conversation about technology without bringing up AI

30:50 Solve for issues that could potentially not only help businesses

34:03 Make sure when you’re implementing any technology

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Next Episode: Get Results From Advertising with Skip Wilson!

About the Host, Michael

Michael Vickers inspires enduring success, redefining the possible for today’s sales professionals, leaders, and managers. Whatever the sales or business opportunity, Michael will greatly enhance your odds of success. Every person who has an idea to promote, an employee to motivate, or a deal to negotiate, will attain a new level of success after an event with Michael.

Michael is also the best-selling author of Becoming Preferred: How to Outsell Your Competition, and Dance of the Rainmaker: Creating Authentic Differentiation in Today's Competitive Marketplace, where he shares his secrets to achieving the very highest level of sales mastery.

Whatever the result you’re striving for, if it involves influencing others or achieving success through others, Michael will build your confidence and accelerate your performance.

Michael is the Executive Director of Summit Learning Systems, a company that offers customized in-house training programs to many of today’s leading companies. He teaches thousands of business professionals throughout North America the skills required to achieve optimum performance.

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