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Skip Wilson – Get Results From Advertising


Episode Overview:

Advertising doesn’t have to be a guessing game. It’s a predictable science, and one that we can understand. Businesses want results, but often struggle to navigate the complexities of advertising effectively. Traditional media methods are costly and digital platforms are constantly evolving.

Most companies are unsure if their campaigns are delivering the desired results, and they lack the ability to objectively know if they are wasting ad budgets or missing out on opportunities.

My guest today will share with us strategies employing the latest technologies to transform advertising into the exact science that it should’ve always been, so you can forecast advertising success, before you even spend a dime. Join me now for my conversation with advertising expert, Skip Wilson.

Guest Bio: 

Skip Wilson, a luminary in advertising, embarked on his journey at 16 as a copywriter, evolving into a digital media pioneer. From shaping CNN Special Project’s iReport team to spearheading iHeartMedia’s digital expansion, Skip’s expertise spans decades. 

As founder of DRAFT Media Partners, he champions innovation, earning accolades like “Most Intuitive Software Developer” and “Best Marketing Software Developer.” His relentless pursuit of excellence continues to redefine advertising, offering practical insights and transformative solutions for businesses navigating the digital age.

Resource Links:

Insight Gold Timestamps:

04:53 I was selling mostly sports programming and news talk

06:57 If it didn’t work, we’d blame the sales guys

08:51 You have tools that help your clients predict the outcome before they even spend dollar one

10:22 I always viewed it as an art AND a science

10:54 There’s no campaign failure, there’s only feedback

12:46 It creates this bigger need for tools to streamline those processes

15:58 If you can do that, you absolutely should be going all in on advertising 

17:29 I’m a big believer of testing creative rather than doing a bunch of marketing

20:35 An ad should always have just one goal

21:57 Sequential marketing and sequential advertising is the way to get people in

23:19 Nobody cares about a tire ad unless you’re in market for tires

24:17 you can sign up for a free consultation 

25:45 You want to put yourself in that mindset of that consumer 

26:23 The biggest tool, the biggest free value thing is….

28:16 I try to think of something that can tell a story 

31:02 One of the first things that we added to our reporting 

32:20 Virtual Campaign Planner

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Next Episode:  Sharpening Your Competitive Edge with Returning Guest, Jim Pancero!

About the Host, Michael

Michael Vickers inspires enduring success, redefining the possible for today’s sales professionals, leaders, and managers. Whatever the sales or business opportunity, Michael will greatly enhance your odds of success. Every person who has an idea to promote, an employee to motivate, or a deal to negotiate, will attain a new level of success after an event with Michael.

Michael is also the best-selling author of Becoming Preferred: How to Outsell Your Competition, and Dance of the Rainmaker: Creating Authentic Differentiation in Today's Competitive Marketplace, where he shares his secrets to achieving the very highest level of sales mastery.

Whatever the result you’re striving for, if it involves influencing others or achieving success through others, Michael will build your confidence and accelerate your performance.

Michael is the Executive Director of Summit Learning Systems, a company that offers customized in-house training programs to many of today’s leading companies. He teaches thousands of business professionals throughout North America the skills required to achieve optimum performance.

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